- yctr_jingleYou Call That Radio started when lockdown began and my old bandmate Mark McGhee.260+ live… Read more: yctr_jingle
- live_set_Not_Waiting_October19Rough video of a solo live set for Not Waiting Series
- live_set_Not_Waiting_July18Rough video of a live set for the Inaugural Not Waiting Gig
- live_set_Wench_August18Live video of set from Wench, Edinburgh – August 18
- noizemaschine_11_Nov17audio of live set at Noizemaschine, Nov 2017 Noizemaschin!! London #11 by Jess Aslan
- mix_for_floored#5Did a mix for Dave House’s NoiseFloor studio, Floored #5
- tesseract_new_trackWrote a new track for Dave House’s NoiseFloor label FL001 by Various
- towards_vesuvius_animationFeatured composition and sound design for Antra Svarcs animation – Towards Vesuvius antra-svarcs.com Towards Vesuvius… Read more: towards_vesuvius_animation
- live_remixes_Twisted_TeapartyMade this set of live remixes for the Twistettes Twisted Tea Party gig, featuring Earthwire,… Read more: live_remixes_Twisted_Teaparty
- Labyrinths for String Quartet and Computer // ISON QuartetLabyrinths for string quartet and computer is collaborative work, for which I generated the material algorithmically,… Read more: Labyrinths for String Quartet and Computer // ISON Quartet
- three_piecesThree pieces for Violin and Computer, with Emma Lloyd These three violin pieces (104, Mechanica,… Read more: three_pieces
- IKONIKON with Marij van Gorkom IKON is a collaborative composition for bass clarinet and electronics… Read more: IKON
- misc_electroinstrumental_piecesHere are a few old electroinstrumental pieces I’ve written over the years. The Confines of… Read more: misc_electroinstrumental_pieces
- random_soundcloudsome old stuff i kept up on soundcloud…
- KUBOVI formed KUBOV with Emma Lloyd in 2012. KUBOV is a live band of electronics with violin.… Read more: KUBOV
- Live @pianodromeLive @pianodrome by Xica